Sunday, December 26, 2010

merry little christmas

This holiday season has probably been my favorite of my adult life.
I feel like a lot of good and a lot of bad has happened this year and more than ever I was in need of a lovely way to end 2010 and this past week has brought that for me.
I'm so blessed to have been able to spend Christmas at home with my family. My family makes everything better and everything always is 937 times more fun with them.
One of my presents this year was the first season of The Muppet Show. YES! I've always had a place in my heart for the muppets and I think that it was probably my favorite present this year. I popped the dvd in after we opened presents and this beautiful piece with the famous dancer Juliet Prowse came on and I thought I'd share the gem with you....

I hope all of you had a marvelous holiday and I wish the best for the new year.
(Oh and one of my goals of 2011 is to be more frequent with my blog updates I promise!)

P.S. I looooved True Grit and I wish they would start making more movies like it these days.