Tuesday, March 15, 2011

bird's eye view

The last couple months I've felt like I've been pushing a cart up a hill. Every time I think I've almost gotten to the top I hit a huge rock and stumble back down the trail I've already climbed or I get stuck in a bush or my cart topples over and everything falls out.

It has been such a draining and frustrating hike but I finally feel like I've made it to the top and the view is not only breathtaking but also very enlightening.

Now that I have the time and luxury to look down at what I've climbed and where I've been I understand everything so much better:
Every time I've stumbled back to somewhere I've already crossed I got a re-do and the opportunity to learn things in a better way. I also got to see and experience a lot of things that I missed the first time.
Whenever I got stuck in a bush and just wanted to give up it would turn out that the bush had some sort of fruit or nut that I ended up enjoying and essentially needing to get me through the rest of the climb.
Every time my cart toppled over I would have to stop and pick everything up which would force me to go through what I was carrying and gave me the chance to leave the things that I didn't need and were just a waste of space. It also helped remind me of the things I was lugging around that were good and worth the weight and struggle.

At last, I'm breathing fresh air and have had time to rest so I can prepare myself for the next mountain.


Rowdy said...

you're awesome!

michelle said...

you were right.. I see me in this.. oh how I love you and our friendship.. this was just what I needed to read right now. you amaze me.