Friday, January 14, 2011


So, there was an article in the New York Times last Sunday titled "Single, Female, Mormon, Alone". I am grateful for Nicole Hardy, the writer, and for her honesty on something that I think runs through most single LDS girl's minds at least once or twice. It was really refreshing for me to read something like that in a major newspaper. It's important for women to share their struggles and journeys with one another and with the world. I cannot say that I relate to everything that was expressed by Nicole but there's a chunk of it that I find a lot of truth in. My friend Kaneischa blogged about this article and I really liked what she had to contribute to the subject. You can read it here:
If you're curious to hear some of my thoughts on the matter then you should read the comment that I left on Kaneischa's post.

Last night Bandit and I discovered a new winter activity.
First you will need to have the proper necessities:
-Boots with absolutely no grip
-A dog
-A hill
After you are well equipped, simply start walking the dog downhill. The dog will then begin to pull you, and since there is no grip on your shoes, you will slide the whole way down the hill. It seriously is my new favorite thing and Bandit gets all of his much needed exercise and outdoor time!

Now I will leave you with what I find to be an appropriate song for today:

Icarus by White Hinterland

I heard it playing on my favorite radio station (KRCL 90.9 fm) and it just went perfect with all of the fresh beautiful snow outside.


Lindsay Teter said...

i wish i could have seen this. too bad my pup is too small to pull me down an icy hill.

Rowdy said...

she is too new yorky for me. i couldnt even stand to read the whole thing.

and i married a lds girl from nyc!

Evie said...

haha. Ruca loves to pull me down icy, snowy hills. Yey us!